10 Reasons to Support Downtown New Braunfels Shops on Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday turns 5 this year, and while Black Friday deals at the big box stores may sound enticing, your dollar can go much farther supporting your local New Braunfels community when you shop in Downtown New Braunfels this holiday season. Here are 10 reasons why:

  1. Small businesses donate 250% more to non-profit/community causes than large businesses
  2. 8 million jobs have been created by small businesses since 1990
  3. 54% of U.S. sales occur at a small business
  4. There 23 million small businesses and counting in the U.S.
  5. Local retailers are more likely to hire locally than retail chains
  6. 40% of all retail jobs within the U.S. are made up from franchised small businesses
  7. $14.3 billion was spent on Small Business Saturday 2014, making for an increase of $300,000 since 2013
  8. Over a 20-year period between 1993 and 2013, small businesses accounted for a whopping 14.9 million net new jobs created in the United States.
  9. When spending $100 at your local business, approximately $68 stays within your local economy.

  10. In a 2012 national poll, individuals said that having locally owned businesses is the #1 factor to establishing a strong community

Create a strong New Braunfels Community by supporting your favorite local shops in Downtown new Braunfels this weekend during Small Business Saturday.


Source: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/shop-small/