(via Press Release)
New Braunfels, Texas — Last year the City of New Braunfels Municipal Court initiated a series of “mini” warrant roundups in an effort to ensure defendants resolve their cases in a timely manner.
The court is conducting another warrant roundup during the month of September. The focus of the roundup will be defendants with class C misdemeanor warrants issued by the New Braunfels Municipal Court. Those with warrants are encouraged to contact the Court at 830-221-4180 or 830-221-4189 to resolve their cases before being arrested.
Defendants who just want to pay their fines can do so by going to the court office located at 1486 S. Seguin Avenue. The court stays open late, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, until 6:00 p.m.Defendants may also pay their fines on-line by going to TrafficPayment.com.
Defendants are encouraged to resolve their warrants before being embarrassed by an arrest. Warrant officer, Larry Hildebrand, will work with defendants who need to go before the Judge to resolve their cases. Don’t wait to be arrested; take care of your warrants now.