(Entry form at bottom of page)
You will be assigned a line up number and street location. This number must be attached to the inside of the front windshield on the passenger’s side, top corner. If not attached, you will not be allowed to enter the parade route. Walking and horse groups must carry their number with them. Line up starts at 7:30 a.m.
No 18-wheelers will be allowed in the parade. All vehicles used must not exceed the weight limit to cross the Comal River Bridge. (Gross 20000 lbs Axle or Tandem 12500 lbs)
- Parade begins at 10:00 a.m. rain or shine.
- Deadline for entries in the parade will be Friday, August 28, 2015 at 5p.m. Any entry received afterdeadline date will be charged alate fee of $25.00.No entrieswill be accepted after 5 p.m. on Friday, September 11, 2015.
- Judging will begin at 8:30 a.m. All entries must be in place, setup, and riders must remain in place until all judging is completed. Entries will not be judged if participants are not in place. You are responsible for notifying your groups of judging time.
- Autos and large vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver. Small vehicles (mini-bikes, small tractors, etc.) must be operated by a person age 12 or older and accompanied by an adult.
- Alcoholic beverages consumed by drivers or any participants before or during the parade are expressly forbidden. If a driver or participant is seen consuming alcohol while participating in the parade, it will result in immediate removal from parade formation and will affect future invitations.
- No profanity or nudity may be displayed on the entry (this includes posters, writing, signs, songs, participant’s clothing, etc.)
- No articles whatsoever (gum, candy, flyers, etc.) may be thrown, handed, or passed from any float or vehicle entry. This is a safety rule for participants and spectators. If caught, you will not be allowed to participate next year.
- Parade participants are not permitted to leave vehicles, demonstrate in the street, stop, or slow the forward movement of the parade in any way. There are no exceptions.
- When disbanding, units shall not block the flow of traffic for participants behind them. Disbanding will be in Prince Solms Park.
- Each youth group shall be represented by an adult supervisor who will be responsible for his/her group following all parade rules. Each group shall name a contact person. Names of supervisor or contact person must be submitted with entry form.
- All car clubs wanting to participate will be limited to 4 vehicles and will move through the parade route 2 abreast. Multiple chapters of the same car club will not be allowed.
- All horse groups must furnish own pooper scooper. All horse riders must provide a coggins test with entry form.
- All entries must be decorated or they will be placed at the end of the parade.
- Exceptions to these rules may be made only with the approval of the Parade Committee of the CCFA.
- The Comal County Fair Association is very proud of its long-standing reputation for quality, family oriented entertainment, and therefore, the Parade Committee retains the right to refuse entry of float, unit, or individual not conforming to the high standards of the CCFA. Failure to comply with the parade rules may result in removal from the parade formation and will affect future invitations.
- An information contact point will be set up at the corner of San Antonio and Santa Clara streets between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. for your convenience and to answer any questions.
To enter as a business or political entry, click here.
To enter as a school, local organization, or festival, click here.